Jim Carrey's "The Cable Guy", a dark comedy that was completely different from the Ace Venturas and Masks
I still think "The Cable Guy" is Jim Carrey's best comedy because it was dark, it was unexpected, it was daring and Carrey's humor wasn't just him do the talking anus or do silly poses, it had meaning and Carrey dared to play the bad guy without coming across as Ace Ventura in a green body suit like he did in "Batman Forever".
I think everything in this movie works. I didn't even mind Matthew Broderick or Leslie Mann being wasted in a girlfriend part. Broderick works as a straight man to Carrey's character, even if I didn't find Broderick charismatic enough to worth all that work from Carrey.
It's like you watch Bridget Fonda in Single White Female, you get it, but Broderick always came across as a middle-aged nerd in everything I've seen him in.