Moonfall or What The +!@# Did I Just Watch?

I was mindlessly scrolling through Amazon Prime Video when I saw Moonfall was available to watch. I knew it had been crucified upon release but sometimes a bad movie is exactly what you want to watch - and sometimes the reviews get it wrong...

...But not in the case of Moonfall. It's bad with a capital "Holy fuck how the hell did this shite ever get made???".

Director Roland Emmerich has been making sci fi spectaculars for several decades with the highpoint arguably being Independence Day and since then his output has been getting steadily worse. But Moonfall must surely represent the nadir after which no-one gives him money to make a movie ever again.

This film is dumb, dumb, dumb. It is stupid layered upon stupid but not in any way which is entertaining. Dumb or stupid can work if everyone involved in a film understands that's what they're making and properly leans into it - Stanley Tucci was clearly having a ball in The Core.

Unfortunately, this movie treats it's head trepannning nonsense with an utter po-facedness as actors spout dialogue of such phenomenal absurdity you can feel your IQ drop to previously unimagined sub-zero levels.

If a Q-like being were to put humanity on trial then this film would be a key piece of evidence in the case for the prosecution.

The only thing about this movie that could possibly be admired is the sheer chutzpah of the way in which it just straight up steals idea after idea from far superior sf works. However, whilst it is said great artists steal, it does not follow that artists who steals must be great.

One can only imagine that the reason Emmerich is so brazen about stealing from others is that this movie is so abominably bad that none of the creators whose work has been shamelessly pilfered is ever likely to sue for fear of the damage to their own reputation that could result from being in anyway associated with this travesty.

To steal from a far better critic than I: I hate this film. I hate this film. I hate this film. If you are tempted, for whatever misguided reason, to watch this film then do yourself a favour and smash your head off a wall for two hours instead...