Thoughts on MrBallen's change of style

I really like MrBallen and honestly he's the only reason I open yt cuz I don't watch anyone else. But over the years he changed his style, in terms of content as well as in terms of his delivery of speech .

While I might be wrong but I think in his videos lately he delivers the story quite slowly and takes long pauses which kind of disturbs the flow tbf.

Also he makes videos revolving around one story rather than his USP (i.e. stranger than fiction, disturbing backstories, places u can't go ) and the reason why I subscribed to him in the first place. He also shows the photos in the start of the video (when he uploads about 'disturbing photos') which kills the suspense of the photos.

And lately he's been covering stories about casual homicides (he just makes the story interesting due to his gifted art of storytelling) rather than famous historical event or serial killers etc. I want him talk about them the way he used to before.

I can't impose this upon him and it's highly unlikely that he'll see this, but this is what I felt like. Anyone else with me or is it just me?

Just to be clear, I liked his recent video but then again his slow delivery kinda did it for me.