Immersion Chinese School


I’m sure this question has been asked before. Currently I have a 4 year old attending TK at a mandarin immersion school. They currently teach 90/10 Chinese/English with every year increasing the amount of English taught 80/20 70/30 and so forth until it is 50/50 around 4th grade.

My concern is that both me and my wife don’t speak Chinese. So helping her on homework will be a bit tougher. My wife is really trying to learn with her. I went to Chinese school growing up, but because I never use it— it’s pretty much useless lol.

I’ve read studies that immersion kids may lag in English but by 5th-6th grade they surpass peers who do not.

My entire family (aunts, uncles, parents) are extremely concerned and worried that she will essentially be left in the dust by her English learning only peers.

I won’t lie, I feel like other parents in her class are very good at Chinese while we are not.

We don’t want to put our kid at a disadvantage and hurt her confidence due to our lack of knowledge.

Please let me know what you guys think!