Can I walk my dog?

I know this may seem like a strange question but I’m not sure the level of activity I should be doing. I was diagnosed with mild myocarditis last month but have had it since possibly July.

My PVCs and chest and shoulder pain have decreased but I can still feel mild SoB, dizziness, fatigue, very slight soreness in my chest, sharp stinging pains with certain movements and more so after eating (maybe acid reflux?) and very slight on and off cramping of the shoulder blade. They all seem to come in waves even though I’m resting so it could be Long COVID (which my cardiologist assumed I also have) or myocarditis continually flaring.

Since my diagnosis I’ve just been resting with minimal activity but my poor dog is a young border collie who has loads of energy. Before I got my diagnosis last month I was taking her for 2-3 walks a day. Although I wasn’t feeling 100% (I put it up to having long covid) but a week after I crashed quite hard with fatigue and then got the MRI report. Problem is our area is hilly and unfortunately, (before I knew it was myo) my heart rate peaked at 130 going up the hills and it’s around 88-107 just when standing before my beta blocker kicks in (then it goes to 77-90s) and I see here it’s advised to stay below a 100 bpm heart rate.

Just wondering if it’s safe to do short walks on some flat ground or if I should keep resting? How much walking you are all doing? Are you going up and down stairs? How many steps a day? Or even better - for those who recovered without much scarring how much did you rest? Thank you!