Short term pleasures and long term side effects.

We often jump into things thinking that we shouldn't bother about the future, we should live in the present and enjoy it till it feels good, it's a good perspective too but another side of the coin is hurtful, full of pain. When the happy phase does end, we see the suffering if brings with it.

For example, we see ourselves falling for someone, we know we don't have a future together but we feel good being with that person, we enjoy the moment, we keep talking, we spend more time and the person keeps growing on us and we fall a bit too hard but then we part and it's when the pain starts to begin, we always knew this was meant to happen but now we experience it. The short term pleasure it gave us, makes us feel deprived of all of those same feelings and emotions and we feel starved, we feel weak and it hurts, your heart aches.

When you hook up with someone for that short lived pleasure, that high, that adventure, you just go for it, but a lot of people later feel guilty, if not that then emotionally empty, feeling like people need them for their body but not for who they are.

We also often crave for what we don't have and when we get it, the craving stops.

But if we talk about romantic relationships here, will you stop loving someone just because of the risks it brings? Or because it's going to end someday or because you know it'll hurt later? Maybe you shouldn't because yolo my dear, we don't have forever, maybe someday you just need to be ready to experience the pain if you want to taste the joy and peace that person brings for you.