We Found My Mum Dead In The House

The username is weird lol because of what I'm going to say. I guess my mum didn't have time plenty, lol. Death is cruel. Death is hard.


On a beautiful Saturday morning, my dad called me, he had gone some place and wanted me to take him back home. So, I quickly hurried, took him and brought him back home. When I reached the gate, I was thinking of immediately heading back home. But I had really missed my mum.

We were planning to come together with my wife on Sunday to visit mum. She really loves us and especially her weeks old grandchild. So I decide to enter inside. We go and knock the door. No one opens. I have a key. We open the padlock. But chini imefungwa, so we ask for help from caretaker to open side ya chini.

So, we open side ya chini. Quickly rush to the bedroom. We find mum sleeping na tumbo. She is not responding. Dad says we turn her side so that she faces juu. I notice her feet is cold. By this time, I kinda know she's no longer with us. I break down completely. I hug my dad and tell him, "Dad I don't think mum is okay." While wailing, crying.

Dad is crying so much. We are both crying. I am wailing. It was actually their anniversary week. We call a doctor and he comes to confirm our fears. We cry and cry. I cry encouraging my dad telling him that He is not alone in the midst of losing his one and only wife.

My mum had died because she was all alone at home while she had an epileptic attack. So she had no one to help her. She probably choked to death.


Mum has been with dad and dad has been with mum forever. I remember that we were wealthy. I remember us living in a big house. I remember us at our lowest, sleeping together in the same bedroom as we moved back to a one bedroom. (Initially we lived in a 4 bedroom house).

I remember those moments and even at the lowest. I was happy and excited that we were doing this together as a family. That my mum and dad were together because these days, this is a rare gem. Having both parents living together is a rare gem these days.

Because of their relationship, it compelled me to love and want marriage and I got married to the most amazing wife and got the cutest girl you've ever seen.


Back to the next days, we had a rough time. (This is actually now from Saturday to Tuesday, this week). I would be okay during the day. But once I arrive home, I would cry myself to sleep and my wife would be there to encourage me.

I would ask God to strengthen me for the sake of my family. I'm an only child. So we are left Dad, wife, baby, and me. On Tuesday, grief was taken from me by the Lord because I was immensely strong. Went well with the Funeral on Wednesday.


I'm still sad. Having waves of sadness here and there. Yesterday, I couldn't eat. I wasn't hungry anymore. I was just thinking about my mum. Being an only child, made me tighten the relationship I had with my parents. My mum's last words were that we need to be even much closer to each other.

I miss my mum. I love my mum. We were planning to open a YouTube channel with mum. She was into motivational speaking. I wish I could have more time with her. I wish I could spoil her more. I wish she was still here to see her grandchild grow and go to school.

I feel for my dad. I would care for him. I will spoil him. I will cover him with love. I will pray for him. Death is hard guys. Death is cruel. I feel really low some times and other times I am okay.

Check on your folks guys. Get close to your spouse. Love your children. Meet up with your relatives. Build friendship with your cousins. Life can change walai in an instance.


Please pray for me. Pray for my dad. Pray for my wife. Pray for my child. Literally pray. Don't just say my prayers with you and you won't pray (that is for religious people). If you do not believe in prayer, send good thoughts to us. Say I'm sending a thought of prosperity financially that OP will be able to make more money to take care of his dad and his family.

Thank you guys for allowing me to rant out on here.