Need advice / help

So two, three months in 50 MG for alchohol abuse. Female. Previously drank 1 to 2 bottles of wine every night; this is a habit. Husband drinks the same, all between 5 pm and bedtime. Totally functioning and employed. History of depression and anxiety and I drink to calm down daily drinking, I don't think the Sinclair method applies.

Now I generally drink a glass a day, big improvement, but there's other days... like today, I'm on my third. It still strikes a chord, somehow. The urge to drink is less, but drinking is still satisfying and pleasurable. I want to drink. It's not every day. There have been fewer big intake days, but there are days like today.

Do you think I need a higher dose? What is going on with me? I'm so upset and I feel so guilty. I don't want to drink at the levels I've used in the past.