Name for Twin A - Girl

Hello! My wife and I are expecting twins - a boy and a girl.

Baby A is the girl, and Baby B is the boy. We have settled on the name Benjamin for Baby B. Last name is a hard “c” sound so some names are a no because it’s too kardashian sounding. We also don’t love when the names are two “twin” ie Benjamin and Jocelyn (same ending sound)

We are struggling with Baby A. In ultrasounds, she is pretty active and moves quite a lot.

Eleanor used to be our #1 but we are now less certain. We like the following names but none of them have “clicked” the way Benjamin has.

Chelsea Emilia Eleanor Madeleine Elizabeth Fiona

Looking for some suggestions that fit the vibe (or are outside the vibe!) that perhaps I haven’t seen.

Also - my wife and i’s names both start with A, so we want to avoid an A name lol.

Thank you kindly !