Who can take on a serious challenge? Please find me a unicorn, namenerds
We are looking for a name that:
- Is feminine
- Doesn’t start with M; ideally doesn’t start with L either
- Doesn’t have two syllables with the last sound ee (and doesn’t shorten to an obvious nickname that does) like Sylvie or Sophie. I’d prefer it to end with a consonant sound but three syllable with a vowel ending is fine too
- Works in French and English. We are leaning more towards French names, but it has to have at least a similar pronunciation in English (this means Hermione, Genevieve and Penelope are out)
- Ideally a Catholic saint name. At the very least an established and recognised name
- Doesn’t end with ia
- Bonus points for something with a mythological or celestial or Shakespearean origin (non-essential)
- Nothing too short or boring. We lean more to longer names than ones like Jeanne, Claire, Rose or Jade
- Isn’t considered wildly outdated in either country
- I’m not hugely keen on names beginning with El due to local popularity
I love Céleste; he doesn’t because he knows one. I also love Adélaïde, Cécelia, Clio, Cassiopeia and Céline; he doesn’t. He loves Alizée and Apolline (I think both would be butchered in an English accent) and Charlotte (I don’t like Lottie or Charlie). We are both considering, but tepid on, Delphine (he thinks it’s boring) Elizabeth (I’m not sure on nicknames) and Imogène (just neither enthused).
We can’t use Rosa or derivatives of, Vivienne, Louise, Juliette, Léonie, Florence, Annabelle, Camille, Carine or the multitude of M names I love (Madeleine, Marianne, Marina, Marguerite, Margot).
Does this name exist…? What would you call a baby girl in these difficult conditions?!