Help me with a nickname, please!
My name is Aphrodite and it’s not my favorite. I think it is a beautiful name, but when I turned 13/14 and other 13/14 year olds found out Aphrodite is the goddess of sex (a great name for a baby, mom and dad), I never heard the end of it.
I am now 18 and moving cities this summer, and I feel it might be a good time to introduce myself by a nickname, so please sound off with any suggestions. I’ve been called “Aphie” or “Apha” before, and I like “Aphie”, but I don’t know if I have just convinced myself it sounds good because I don’t like my full name lol.
Also, when I searched “Aphrodite” on this sub, the first post is someone considering naming their baby Aphrodite, and everyone in the comments was telling them it is a horrible name idea for a child, if only Reddit was around my when parents were naming me lol.