Unique female names inspired by these names?
Hi! I'm looking for some unique female names that could be inspired by either of these names. I'm not interested in gender neutral — It has to be clearly feminine.
The original name was Cathlyn, after an ex friend Catherine, but Catherine turned out to be a really horrible person so I'm looking to change Cathlyn's name now!
She's an immortal deity who is married to Noelan, I believe the surname begins with P and has a V sound but I'll have to check my document to find the actual name.
I asked on my story if anyone wanted the character named after them now and more people than expected voted so just going to go based on the name idea from here I like most, their names are a little too common to fit my book so hopefully we can find a middle ground where it's still inspired by their name but fits my books world.
The names to maybe be inspired by are:
Lua, Wren, Jessica (x2), Ana/Anna (x2), Elle, Kenzo, Aarna, Isabella, Leah, Madelyn & Kamila.
Aarna or Isabella might be the best fits but looking to see if anyone can work with these to make something even better that REALLY gives goddess vibes, or if anyone can actually combine a few of the names? Some of the deities do have 2/3 other known names so more room to have other options, and I can use anything else for her children with Noelan! :)