updated baby names list - opinions?

I made a post a while ago asking peoples opinions on my baby names. it's been 5 months and I have changed ever so slightly. (i've pretty much just added more.) here is the list, I want honest opinions please :)

girls: emma, ivy, india, olive, louise (nicknames: lou, loulou, lulu), magnolia (nickname: nolia - I don't love maggie), blythe, emmeline (nickname: emmie - which would be the primarily used name), céline, colette (nicknames: lettie, coco), diana, lucie, minuette (nicknames: ettie, mimi - I prefer mimi), marilou (pronounced "mary-lou"; nicknames: lou, loulou), adeline/adaline

girls' middle names: rae

boys: blythe, aras, indiana, louis/louie (pronounced loo-wee either way; nickname: lou), luca, james, charles (nickname: charlie), charlie

boys' middle names: no idea, I need help

notes: the earlier the name on the list, the longer ago it was added; the light sprinkle of French names is a result of partial French education, though I am not from France whatsoever