How important is nick name potential to you?

Here’s my personal experience and opinion. I’m an Isabella and although there’s been times in my life when I hated how long and frilly my name was, I am now very thankful to have a longer name. What I love about (most) longer names is that you can derive so many nick names from them. Through my life I’ve been called Izzy, Belle, Bella, Iz, Ell, Ella, etc. at one point or another. I loved that I had some choice of what I was called and I could pick different names for different situations. If I wanted to be series I could go be Isabella but as a child I had some friends call me Bella and some call me Izzy but my family might of called me something else. Your child doesn’t get to pick their name but when you give them a name that can be cut up in so many different ways, they get do get SOME choice. I know some people pick baby names because they can’t be nicknamed, so that people HAVE to use the name you intended, and I get that but I also think you should think about what the child wants, not just you. I think it’s good to give your child more choice. At least that’s what I had and I loved it.