Is one leg day enough with enough volume?

Hi guys. I used to train heavily until 10 months ago, when I started my second year at the University and dropped from 5 workouts per week to 4, then dropping to 1 around 4 months ago I used to bench 2 plates and squat 3 at my peak, and now I'm trying to get back on track and return to working out 3 times a week. The thing is, I wanted to ask whether doing 1 leg workout per week (7 exercises, total of 22 sets for isolation, compounds, and 4 more for calves) and 2 upper body workouts would yield any result at all, or should I try to stick to a different plan. I can't really stick to more than 3 workouts, hell even 2 per week is hard due to the immense difficulty of my field of study, so I feel kinda hopeless about it.