A lonely sport
A few months ago I decided that I wanted to pursue this little passion of mine seriously and got myself a bodybuilding coach. No one really understands the sport or my motivations for pursuing it and they ask a lot of questions. I get a lot of concerned looks from people when I don't want a piece of pretty dry looking cake because "I'm already skinny". First of all, I don't appreciate being called skinny. Secondly, the cut was my coaches idea, not mine. I am perfectly fine with my body. I'm not a victim of diet culture 🙄 Dates have even asked if I have breast implants.... No. Rude . It feels like all of these assumptions are being made about me (vain, self-absorbed, low self-esteem) and nobody believes in or understands me. I dream of women's bodybuilding at the natural olympia, not flaunting my perfect skinny silicone body at the beach to satisfy my daddy issues. I'm being told that I'm already pretty. I'm being asked why I wanna "look like that". I'm being told that they think it is "too much" 😐 Litterally no one asked for your opinion on my body. The worst part is that dieting is hard and it feels like I can't lean on anyone without them basically telling me to give up. All I need is a hug and some encouragement. I have one friend and my coach that support me. Okay, I'm done ranting. Anyone else that can relate to these feelings?