86KG vs 93KG Back Gains

Just wanted to share some progress I've been making this past year. 8 weeks out from my last comp vs 9 months out from my next.

The main focus for me this off season was to really dial in my training and nutrition. I have been following a mix of PPL and upper/lower. I have not done any crazy bulking, just keeping my calories around maintenance, 12 - 16 sets per week per muscle group. I also implemented 5 weeks complete/minimal weeks off training while away on holiday to really recover from training.

Nothing complex, just doing the basics right.

Just wanted to share some progress I've been making this past year. 8 weeks out from my last comp vs 9 months out from my next.

The main focus for me this off season was to really dial in my training and nutrition. I have been following a mix of PPL and upper/lower. I have not done any crazy bulking, just keeping my calories around maintenance, 12 - 16 sets per week per muscle group. I also implemented 5 weeks complete/minimal weeks off training while away on holiday to really recover from training.

Nothing complex, just doing the basics right.