Anyone managed to fix their sleep?

I know there's other subredddits for sleep, but I want to try here specifically.

I'll keep it short. Last year i got pretty serious into weightlifting but my sleep had been pretty bad. Mostly between 4-6h and i'd just wake up tired and way too early. Since i was still brand new i was doing just fine, but then i just kinda stalled and felt burned out doing a PPL. I looked at different factors including (too much) volume etc but in the end just lost motivation (also due to personal stuff)

So now, new year new me, i've picked up the weights again 2 weeks ago and I'm happy i did. But my sleep has become strange again. I'm doing all the usual tricks like Magnesium, having a fairly strict schedule that i can stick to, not eating 2.5/3h before bed. No caffeine after 2pm and all of that stuff.

I'd go to bed at 11pm, and wake up tired between 4.30 and 6 am. Usually what happens is that i can't fall asleep and then when the moment arrives i'm supposed to get out of bed for work, i'll actually be able to get into a deep sleep untill my alarm wakes me lol.

Did anyone overcome this, and how? My personal life is fine, not stressed. I'm eating my vitamins and currently i'm in a small surplus (about 200 cals).

I know the 8 hour of sleep thing is a myth, but i can definitely feel alot better during the day getting atleast 7, but more upwards of 7.5h of sleep.