My stomach is ruining my life

(Sorry about formatting)

I know everyone's stomach grumbles sometimes... Mine doesn't just grumble when I'm hungry- it makes horribly embarrassing LOUD gurgling noises, high-pitched squeals, internal farts, and creaking sounds like a pirate ship or a squeaky door... and this not just when I'm hungry. It happens all the time.

I'm in college and have classes for an hour MWF and 5 hours TTh... I spend this time in class not paying attention, bracing myself for the horrible noises that happen in almost every class every day. It's not in my head. Other people have looked at me because it's so LOUD. Sounds like farts sometimes and sometimes awkward squeals and occasionally lasts for minutes at a time... It makes me want to skip class. It makes me want to not leave the house. It makes me avoid everything and fear quiet situations. This has been going on for years but has gotten worse. Now it doesn't just happen at school but happens sometimes in public (at a shoe store) and even at home. I live with roommates and have become a complete hermit, with music turned on to try and drown it out. I've found that on nights when it is bad, alcohol will quiet it down, but sometimes drinking makes me want to eat more so it's a weird cycle.

I've tried not eating before class until I get home (either 10:50 am- 2pm or 1pm to 6pm)... but so far this just means I eat late at night and it's bad the next morning. Also now I can't tell what hunger sounds like because my stomach feels weird all the time. I need to lose weight so I don't mind skipping meals, or I wouldn't mind if it actually helped.

I've bought charcoal tablets which haven't really worked... I've been taking probiotics and have tried having yogurt but that sets it off so it might be partly lactose intolerance. I've had bad acid reflux in the past so it might partly be that. I've tried fasting for a couple of days but that didn't really solve things. My diet varies because I have weird eating habits and binge sometimes, but I was thinking of doing an elimination diet, avoiding gluten, or committing to a really plain eating plan....

Apples, oranges and salads set it off, so does some processed food... pretty much everything right now...

Does anyone know safe foods that don't cause stomach noises? Has anyone had these problems and found a solution?