My Neighbor's Spun Out Daughter

I live in a duplex and there is an older couple that lives next door connected to my apartment, they have a son and child that live there (not sure if they are there anymore since the shit that has been happening) and also a daughter. I would see the daughter on and off but like 5 months ago she showed up again and ever since she lives there now. At first she seemed normal but as time progressed she has become so damn annoying for like the last 4 months she progressively gets more and more spun out on meth. She would spend all day and night outside in the backyard blasting music, yelling random words and cussing, just being loud. Her mom came over a couple months ago and apologized about the music, so the blasting music all day and night stopped. Now the daughter just spends all day yelling outside. I don't even want to go in the backyard with my daughter anymore because the spun out neighbor is in their backyard yelling. The older couple(parents) leave the apartment and just ignore it and make it everyone else's problem. the daughter walks around outside the apartment out front without a shirt on, she yells all damn day stuff like fuck, shit, n word, screeching and screaming, ow ow ow( i feel like she might be hurting herself? because she yells ow ALOT) like the yelling goes on for hours, first thing in the morning till like 10pm at night sometimes even later.

So yeah i don't know what to do. I am afraid of having drama with my neighbors but they really don't do anything about it. I am also afraid that this person is gonna hurt themselves or someone else. it's everyday for the last 3-4 months she is outside having a weird spun out episode. I haven't made any police reports about it but i am starting to think i should. I have a feeling the police probably couldn't do much about it though :/