What's the dumbest mistake you've made on neopets?

Mine just happened now. I put my Snowbunny Stamp and Wailing Evil Coconut into my shop, then went to check the prices. I saw that they've gone up in price, so I went to remove them from my shop. Instead, my dumb ass sold them for one neopoint each.

I've never made this mistake before, and I am trying to be a normal human adult and not cry about it :') I'm not trying to fish for anything, I have more than enough np, but I want to know I'm not alone in my dumb mistakes as I'm really cross with myself! <3

UPDATE: Wow, I wasn't expecting this thread to blow up! Please forgive me for not responding to all of you individually, but thank you for letting me know that I'm not alone. The person who purchased the items has been in touch with me and has sent me a Thousand Dubloon Coin. I've asked if they'd be willing to send my items back instead. Fingers crossed for us to all have good neo-luck today!