Sensory issues? (Part two)
I’ve done a bit of research about things that I’ve identified with ever since i found out i at least have ADHD, i have a diagnosis for that and may have other things but i don’t really like self diagnosing personally, i don’t care if other people do or not, that’s their choice.
Anyways, with certain noises and sounds i get very very irritated to the point of crying, I’ve learnt to cope as it’s been a thing for several years now i wear headphones everywhere.
A more recent development however is movement..
With certain movements like people tapping their foot, their fingers or really anything repetitive i get the same feeling i get when i hear a “trigger sound”, an overwhelming feeling of irritation and the urge to cry and possibly yell at the person making said movement.
It makes living and functioning in an otherwise normal setting increasingly difficult because it’s incredibly distracting and frustrating and the solution, if there is one, is not as simple as simply playing some white noise in my headphones or just keeping them on for sound regulation.
Does anyone have any advice or info on what i should do? Turning away is sometimes an option but not always.