Growth spurt at 12 weeks?

Anybody else's baby have a growth spurt or sleep regression at 12 weeks? LO turns 12 weeks on monday. The past 2 days or so shes been drinking more milk and been harder to get to sleep. Its really peaked today and Im at my wits end. Shes feeding every 1.5-2hrs instead of every 3-4 like a few days ago.

Her naps have dropped to only 30-40 minutes max even when contact. She used to do 4 naps of 1.5-2 hrs a day. Todays shes napped a total of 1.5hrs despite all our increasingly frantic soothing methods. She's absolutely knackered and becomes inconsolable when you try to put her down.

Shes not having any issues with wind or pooping. Shes just so tired but wont sleep/ doing power naps.

Anybody else have this around 12 weeks? Is it a growth spurt or could the sleep regression hit this early?