3 month olds naps gone to crap

Even contact naps! Suddenly went from 4 x 1-2 hr naps a day to some 30-40 minute cat naps a week and half ago. She just suddenly wakes up whinging. Glugging almost 100ml more a day. Only time she wakes up in a good mood is after sleeping in her cot in the night/ morning before coming downstairs. Night sleep is still ok but by 6pm she's knackered and screaming. Take her up to bed at 8pm and shes suddenly all smiles and falls asleep straight after bed time feed.

We cant put her to bed much earlier due to when husband gets home/dinner. I wanna know if anyone elses baby had this issue at 3 months? Should we be making sure the room is dark and using white noise in the day too? Will she become dependent on dark/white noise if we constantly use it? Anybody have any tips for extending her naps?