leaning on your village

why do people stigmatize getting help from others for your baby so much? ive noticed on social media there’s a weird pressure for the mother to constantly be taking care of her newborn child + herself + her husband + her home. sure, husbands are also expected to help, but not in the way mothers are. these past holidays, my mom has been off from work and i have a 3 month old who wakes up multiple times in the night.

i gave him to her for the whole night! three times! i felt so guilty about it at first but he did totally fine and couldnt care less and i got to spend some quality time with my husband and get some sleep.

why did i ever feel guilty? i felt guilty for not being available for him 24/7. but thats the thing, i dont have to be if i just allow my village who loves my baby so much to help me.

to other mothers out there dying a bit and feeling like they cant detach from their child at all, if you have a trusted person, its okay to give your baby to them for a few hours to get yourself aligned again. its so important to make yourself happy too in order to make baby happy. (unless ur EBF then im so sorry 😭).