Tongue / Lip Tie Release Success Stories Please !
My daughter is 6 weeks old tomorrow and we have been struggling since about 2-3 weeks when silent reflux set in . Then about a week later night time colic and gas. Now we are dealing with the trifecta: reflux, gas, AND colic.
I’ve known since birth that she has a posterior tongue tie and significant upper lip tie. Peds said no need to release if she’s feeding well, but we had a whole feeding scare at the beginning where she was dropping weight and I had to triple feed. Then things seemed to level out, her latch improved, and she gained weight. However the reflux congestion/ coughing/ choking & gas pains have gotten worse. By nightfall we are a complete dumpster fire and she won’t go down for a stretch of sleep after feeding and it takes hours for her to settle. My husband and I work in shifts because mentally I cannot take the crying that long. One of us is up just doing a mix of trying to soothe, feed if she seems hungry, rinse and repeat. It’s a mess.
I have decided with what we are dealing with it’s worth getting her ties released despite what docfor has said. It’s a lot of $$ and I just need success stories because with the cost + therapy afterwards (stretches and exercises) I want to know it’s worth it!