Anyone else’s 5-6 week old NOT giving them stretches at night?
Just wanted to see if I’m the only one or not . My first didn’t struggle with nights but was a terrible day sleeper. My second is flip flopped. I’m still staying on top of wake windows and not letting naps go over two hours.
Baby girl wants to feed at 2 hours on the dot still. We are getting no stretches at night. In fact most nights she is so gassy one of us is up for hours with her. I remember with my first we started a routine early with bath and then formula bottle before bed and she started giving us stretches early on. Then it was feed and back to sleep. This babe hates formula and I don’t have enough milk to supply extra. So I try to have a pumped bottle of milk on hand but it’s tough. She has silent reflux and is on meds for it. She loves to nurser though even despite the reflux.