New Canadian social platform
Given the whole Trump/US situation, I’ve decided to start systematically recreating some Canadian versions of things.
I’ve started with a social platform similar to Reddit, except Canadian owned, operated and hosted. If anyone feels like trying it out then let me know.
It’s currently an alpha version, and available via the web, with Android and iOS versions incoming.
The platform is as all built by New Brunswickers. So it would be cool to get some fellow NBers to try it out and give us feedback.
Thanks in advance. I don’t really intend to just spam post, but DM me or just post here if you might have an interest in trying it out.
I’m hoping that we could then also control the social experience and promote businesses eventually in New Brunswick and other areas of Canada.
P.S. Building a Canadian variant of things is not always easy, and I’m not sure if there will be enough interest, but we will have a better gauge on things in the coming months.