Learning to be New England style direct/straightforward
I truly do not know where to ask this, but it seems logical to ask here. I was born and bred in 1989 in San Francisco, CA. I have dealt with folk's passive-aggressiveness here for my whole life. In SF, most will never say things directly, but rather in a roundabout way, as well as give passive-aggressive 'hints' to drive others mad by saying something that sounds like nothing but means a lot in a highly subtle way.
For example, one time I went to a meetup and saw one of my 'acquaintances' talking to someone else. So when I got there, they were talking about coding languages like Javascript, C++ and other BS. He introduced me to the stranger about how I am a polyglot, since I know over 5 languages to C1/C2 level and a few others to B2 level. The stranger said, 'Ah, but do you know coding languages?'. I said, 'No'. He then said, 'Ah, so you have no idea what we are talking about then' then laughed in a weird way. The two went on to talk to each other again, and the stranger left without having said anything else to me. My acquaintance told me that that guy almost certainly meant, 'You are a goddamned idiot in my book' when he said, 'Ah, so you have no idea what we are talking about then'. Since he never told me straight, I would never have guessed.
An even more absurd example is when I was at a bar, and one woman was trying to get the attention of a busy bartender who was making drinks. She needed water, but said, 'Hmm, I wonder if there are any glasses of water here...hmm...' until the bartender heard it and asked what she had wanted. Then she seemed irritated as she asked for a glass of water, but not overly irritated. Apparently that was a passive-aggressive way of saying, 'Someone give me a fucking glass of water', but a person has no balls to say this directly.
I could go on and on, as I have encountered tens of thousands of passive-aggressive arseholes in SF, but I think that you get the idea.
I have also met a lot of tech guys from New England, namely Massachusetts, Vermont and New Hampshire, who had moved to SF for tech jobs. They told me that it was maddening to deal with folk here, since people like to go round and round in circles without saying what they mean, as well as giving passive-aggressive hints in tone of voice and subtle body language that I would miss all the time.
The problem is that I was taught to act passive-aggressive as well, since that is how normalised it is in SF. But my natural character is to be tell-it-like-it-is, direct and straightforward. I am a person who blurts out what I think with no thought as to if it 'offends' someone. For example, when I am asked if I want to join with a group to go to dinner at some restaurant and I say, 'No way, I fucking hate that place and its fucking shit food', people give me gasp looks and ostracise me. However, I cannot lie to myself and tell then, 'Sure, I will go with you to that restaurant, I love the food there'. That, to me, is disgusting.
Another example is that when you do not like someone here, you are apparently supposed to pretend that they do not exist, or still make small talk, often laced with passive-aggressive insults that are so subtle that it could take days, weeks, months even years to figure out. Now I heard from others that in New England, if you do not like someone, or if you even hate them, you would just say, 'Fuck off, do not talk to me'. This is highly rude in SF and most consider it unacceptable...except me.
My girlfriend is from Wisconsin; after two years of living in Wisconsin, I had financial problems, and we moved into my parents' house here in SF. One day, we went to a supermarket. We had accidentally gone into the queue at the wrong place, as it was so crowded that we did not see where the queue began. Now, she grew up with some 'Midwest nice'. She noticed that one woman was giving her the evil eye and staring. She asked her, 'Does this line begin far back?'. The woman, still with her evil eye, said, 'Like, yeaaah...' in a super SF vocal fry accent. My girlfriend still is reeling from that one time, and said that in the Midwest, no one would act like such a passive-aggressive douche. I am guessing that in New England, most would just say, 'Yeah, the line is back there' and be done with it, with no passive-aggressive bullshit.
Now, I am leaving the country this winter, but still, I wanted to know if anyone here had some tips to be New England style direct/straightforward. Even though I am way too direct for SF standards, which I find to be the most passive-aggressive city on earth, I wrestle in my head about how I keep being told to act passive-aggressive instead of direct, which clashes with my natural personal character of being highly straightforward.
How would you teach someone like me to uncondition myself from a passive-aggressive atmosphere and be New England style straightforward and direct in both talking and writing without truly not giving a shit about what others think and if they might get offended? Could you give me some tips on how to phrase things in such a way, as well as mentally give myself self-confidence to say what I truly think and tell myself that I must say the truth, regardless of if others think that it is 'offensive' or 'rude' or 'uncouth' or whatever. Note that I am formally diagnosed with Asperger's (now known as ASD Level 1), so I have problems with visual cues and other things like tone of voice, which I never notice.