Routes to becoming a Therapist/Psychotherapist in the NHS?

Hello all! I have decided to change careers at 31 following an unfulfilling few years in marketing, and recruitment (awful industry).

I have always had an interest in psychology, and following past experiences of therapy and a genuine desire to help people, I want to become a therapist.

However, I'm finding a lot of conflicting and unclear advice from various sources, including the NHS, about routes to becoming a Psychotherapist.

I have a degree (not psychology related).

This is an example of the role:

However the path to training is not clear.

I am more interested in Psychotherapy due to being able to explore more complex issues, personalty disorders, childhood, etc.

While High Intensity Therapy/CBT and counselling do interest me, they seem to be more focused on present problems rather than uncovering and resolving deeper-routed issues.

Does anyone have any advice or guidance for me in how to get started on the path of being a therapist and what routes might be best, given my preferences?

Thank you so much.