2021 Most Outstanding Wrestler

With no shows for the next week, I thought it would be interesting to conduct a few polls to see who people thought were the standout performers of 2021. This one is for most outstanding wrestler, meaning the wrestler who had the best in ring performances of 2021. The only criteria you should use to judge is the quality of the matches - promos, drawing power, etc., aren't relevant.

Reddit only allows for six options per poll, so I limited the choices to those who I thought were the six top performers after cutting people who were injured for large portions of the year (Ibushi, Hiromu), weren't in Japan for most of the year (Jay, Ospreay), or who were otherwise largely out of the main event picture (Ishii sadly). If you want to select someone else, make a comment with that wrestler's name or upvote another comment with that wrestler's name.

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