How cautious are funders when it comes to sole member nonprofits?

I'm the founder and lead organizer of a community-level outdoor access intiaitive, and I'm currently exploring the possibility of founding a sole member nonprofit. Potential board members are part of this conversation too. In a lot of ways, this nonprofit struture would be well suited to where we are right now. But our biggest concern is the question of whether having a sole member structure might create perception problems with our funders.

Even though we would have a board comprised of at least 3 three people (likely 5-6) and ongoing demonstrable offerings and programs that we could point to, I could see funders being skeptical of how much oversight and accountability a sole member nonprofit would operate with; potentially concerned about the risk of such an organization succumbing to founder's syndrome, and thereby being a less effective recipient for grants or donations. It would be a real bummer to do all the work of founding a sole member org, only to run into this.

Am I overthinking this possible obstacle? If so, I'd be curious to hear any advice on how to mitigate the issue.