America's most fatal book
I'd like to let this group know about a recently published book called "The Fever: The Most Fatal Plague in American History." I am the author. I lived in Norfolk from 1994 through 2012, when I worked at the Virginian-Pilot and wrote a series about the yellow fever epidemic of 1855. For those of you who don't know that history, the yellow fever virus took hold first in Portsmouth then hopped the river to Norfolk and had a death grip on the two cities for the summer and early fall that year. One out of three people died. That summer, much like with Hurricane Katrina in 2005 and Western North Carolina this year, the nation's eyes were on the devastation in Norfolk and Portsmouth. The New York Times covered the story extensively. Yes, the book is about history, and it is also about every day people (some heroes, some who might be called cowards) faced with a life or death situation. A motivation in writing this book is that the cities and people of Hampton Roads/Tidewater are often part of some other city's story. Though a tragic situation, the 1855 epidemic is one time that the story belongs almost exclusively to our area. Blatant promotion: The above link has multiple options for where you can buy the book, including one that would support a longtime Norfolk business, Prince Books.
I'd be happy to field any questions and will check back on this sub to see if there are any. Thanks for taking the time to read.