Hello nurses,

I am looking to hear your stories.

I have been an RN at bedside for 12 years, 4 of those being ICU and the most recent 6 being ED. I have been “white knuckling it” since 2020, and now am at the point where I have regular panic attacks (usually associated with work) and have even had a clinician recently state they believe I am struggling with “C-PTSD” (disclaimer this is not in the DSM V). I have always been with the same hospital.

I have never felt more burnt out or exhausted. Traveling isn’t for me (for various reasons). I can’t fathom staying where I am but also cannot fathom the stress/exhaustion of training in a new role. I HATE how fragile I’ve become but I am.

When you’ve been in a place like this, because I know many of you probably have, where did you go? What did you do for work to help yourself heal and allow your nervous system to calm down? I have applied for a transfer center job (not remote) with my same hospital but i am not guaranteed to get it.

Also note - sadly “taking time off/a break” isn’t feasible as I am single/the only income.