Florida Nursing Board Licensing

Wondering if anyone has had any recent experience with the Florida Board of Nursing and trying to get a license by Endorsement. I’ve relocated to Florida and applied for my nursing license by endorsement and was denied because I have not been an RN for 3 years which is apparently a new requirement for a license by endorsement. I was told that apparently “Nursing” itself is not the profession but “ Registered Nursing” is which I asked because I have had my LPN license for over 10 years so according to them my previous 8 years experience as an LPN does not count. So now I’m stuck with a very expensive license that I will probably not be able to use for 10 months since that’s when I’d hit 3 years with my license to then reapply for an endorsement. I was told I could apply for a license by examination but could not be told 100% if by doing so if I’d have to actually take the NCLEX again or not. I for one have no interest in having to one pay more money for another NCLEX but two I’ve passed the NCLEX before and have shown my nursing knowledge so I cannot fathom how this is fair. Oh I almost forgot one of their representatives told me to go back to my previous state and work there until I can transfer my license in 10 months because that makes sense?!? I don’t know who decided that years of nursing experience as an LPN just count for nothing or who decided 3 years is apparently some magical number of knowledge and to add to the fact that there is no rush in response back from anyone who may actually be able to help me. This has been such an upsetting situation as I worked so hard to get my license and be told I can’t use it because of some new requirement is crazy especially considering how in demand nurses are. Just wonder if anyone else has run into anything like this.