Endometrial polyp at only 26...help
Hi there, looking for some help/reassurance on a recently found endometrial polyp with some endometrial thickening. I'm REALLY freaking out. :)
Transabdominal & transvaginal ultrasound showed everything normal apart from irregular endometrium, with thickness of 13mm and suspected polyp. The ultrasound report says: "vascularity is demonstrated within the endometrium. There is an avascular hyperechoic area in the fundus of the endometrium with a vascular stalk. Thickening regular and hypervascular endometrium. There is hyperechoic area involving fundal endometrium with associated vascular stalk likely reflecting and endometrial polyp."
So, if my translation is correct, there's a polyp near the top of the uterus connected to the endometrium. It has a stalk and the thickness is on the high end. Hyperechoic seems to be safer than hypoechoic? Size of polyp not mentioned.
My doctor said the endometrium was thickened, but this seems to vary depending on who you talk to. If it helps I was only a few days out from my period starting when I got the scan. She mentioned endometrial hyperplasia which I'm HOPING doesn't mean I'm already in pre-cancerous/cancerous danger territory. She is just a GP though so hoping to have this cleared up when I go to the gyneacologist (waiting to book - public health systems are slow).
Also says my uterus is sub-septate on the report, which my doctor didn't mention. Only upon googling did I realise that could be useful to know if I ever chose to conceive.
I'm only 26, healthy, barely drink a drop of alcohol, never smoked, a lifetime vegetarian even, and normal weight (55kg / 162cm). Weighed around 17kg more during covid but worked it off with a bit of exercise and healthy eating, but now hoping there isn't something more sinister at play.
As far as I can tell I have no underlying risk factors for this. Have always had heavy but regular periods. Ultrasound done due to recurrent spotting / bleeding between periods and after sexual activity. The main event that prompted finally looking into it properly was going for a run for the first time in a few months, and getting a severe stitch, only to find more spotting when I returned home.
My existing health anxiety is off the charts. Why do I have this so young, how common is it? If it is so rare to have at this age, then we're already in "rare" territory - who's to say it's not cancer? Am I going to need a hysterectomy? Am I infertile (with the subseptate uterus too)? I can't stop thinking about it. If you have a similar experience please share below. I know we can't diagnose over the internet and scans/tests are the only way to do it. But I would really love to hear some of your stories, to put make some sense of the statistics. Just looking for support and reassurance.