One week masturbation free!

Wasn’t sure where else to post this, but I wanted to share im one week masturbation free!

I’ve had issues with my sexuality since I was 13 due to issues in my childhood and have basically been mastrubate g everyday since then. I realized I’m probably hypersexual at 16, but it was a coping mechanism and temporarily dopamine, so I never stopped.

At 20, I just started to feel guilty and although I never used porn as a visual aid, (but did read it in the form of fanfiction) felt very porn brained and increasingly perverted as I was thinking of real life people to make me cum.

So, I decided to just stop doing it, and now have been a week clean! Sometimes I want to do it to help me sleep, but I just tell myself not to and set up a bit of a challenge for myself. It has been a bit difficult because it is one of my main coping mechanisms, and im not sure if it’s related but I’ve noticed I’ve been more depressed. But, I know it’s the right thing to do, so I’m proud of myself. Just felt like sharing with the rest of the world.