My mom say she sacrificed her career over us.
Hello if you are reading my day.I’m (m,32)older sibling of 3, my dad was never around but economically was always responsible. My mom never had a job and always relied on the money my dad gave her for us. I grew up and move out of the house when I was 18 and been on my own since then, 6 years ago my dad became an alcoholic and started living in the streets I tried to help him many times( money, shelter, job) but every time he got the chance to leave he would, I stopped helping him but at the same time my two sister where medicine students and I supported them on everything school related two years ago they both graduated and found jobs but my mom keeps asking for money and I been helping her every 2 weeks with money but I asked her to find a job or start a small business but she said she doesn’t know how to do anything cause she said she sacrificed her life to take care of us that’s why she never went to school or had a job, today I told her to help herself economically find something since she has a lot o free time, she’s always helping all her friends and doing favor for everybody, am i wrong for holding accountable an adult for their own lives or am I a narcissist, I don’t even know what to think no more.