Can you make a Jmascis Jazzmaster sound like a Jaguar?

I was thinking about getting a Jag, some of the songs I’m making could really benefit from that jangly, bitey sound of a jag (some slightly surfy, stuff and punk-ish stuff that a jag would be great for) But I ended up getting the JMJM instead. I got it because it seems a bit more versatile, I don’t necessarily want the jangle on every song I make, sometimes I want more sustain for getting a BIG shoegaze sound. Also I ended up deciding I want a longer scale and the neck is sooo much more comfortable for me.

Honestly I’m still considering returning it for a Jaguar… even though I love the JMJM! I was wondering if y’all think, with some good EQ, Messing around with the tone, amp settings, or maybe certain strings, effects, or whatever, that I can get pretty close to Jaguar sound on this awesome guitar. I know they won’t be exactly the same, but close?

I hope this isn’t a stupid question. Still figuring this thing out so I’m curious what yall think?