Genshin characters and their companions switch forms

Genshin characters and their companions switch forms (human and pet) 🤩🪄 : - Oz, the raven companion of Fischl⚡ - Guoba, the former Adepti companion of Xiangling, Marchosius human form 🐻🌶 - Yuegui, the plush toy of Yaoyao 🐰 - Ushi, the Arataki gang mascot 🐃 - Surintendante Chevalmarin, Mademoiselle Crabaletta and Gentilhomme Usher, Furina's salon members 🦐🦀🦑 - Ajaw the almighty dragonlord, annoying as always 🦖🙄 ✍credits : @grandaloe