Anyone able to critique my ideas for a homebrew martial class?
Specifically, I need other people to tell me if my idea works as well as I think it does. 5.5 martials are unfortunately stayed very rigid and narrowly designed, there's no martial that gets anywhere near as many combat choices as a wizard does. So, there are only a few constraints (please check my logic here):
- Keep the overall single target damage lower than a fighter or barbarian gets, since in every single martial/caster thread we get people turning up to say that such classes are equal to casters since they do more single target damage. That logically means if the warrior does less damage, despite having way more AOE and utility and such, it's balanced.
- It's a martial, so need to not have a rest based limit on usage because that would be stupid. Battlemaster can use pushing attack six times in six seconds, but then never again at all ever even hours later until they've spent at least an hour resting? That's just being magically powered by a different name. HP is a resource, so balance wise no need to worry about rest limits on a martial melee.
- Abilities need to be interesting and varied, so there needs to be some kind of cost - without costing, each ability has to be balanced around being able to be used every single round, and players can end up being incentivised to just use the same thing over and over.
My solution to the above is momentum (or stamina, tempo, grit, edge, balance etc), with each ability being an action that gains or costs a certain amount, with scaling provided by having the amount each ability gives you being increased at certain levels. So while I've been working on (read: stealing from other editions and systems) plenty of abilities, I'll go with a quick sample.
At level 3, two of the character's six techniques are Quick Strike and Heavy Swing. Quick Strike gives 1 stamina and deals weapon damage without strength modifier as an action. Heavy Swing costs 2 momentum and as an action deals weapon damage plus ability modifier to all adjacent enemies.
By level 9, the abilities now give you 2 more momentum. So an ability that costs -3 as a baseline now costs -1, an ability that costs -1 now gives you 1, an ability that gives you 1 now gives you 3. So Quick Strike gives +3, Heavy Swing 0, and say Earthquake Smash, deal strength modifier plus 2x weapon's damage dice in a 20' line and create a 5' wide 10' high wall of earth along that line, costs 4.
It seems me to be fairly simple and intuitive way of ensuring there are always options and choices to make, without falling into 4e's and 5e's pitfall of having rest based martial abilities. But it would be stupid of me to not check that with other people, so here I am.