Traits and Behaviors of Top Creators
I did a quick pulse check in a group I am in where most of the participants earn 10k+ a month on OnlyFans - some 50k+ as I read and see a lot of posts in both here and Creator's advice with some consistent themes coming up. There are typically some patterns of behavior and mindset that are usually consistently displayed and present differently at different ends of the earning scale. I bet in almost any industry they will be similar.
I asked a few others who are under 1% on OF to tell me what they thought top earners/creators do that sets them apart. Each statement below is from a different creator:
Never stop trying to learn from others and avoid complacency at all costs. There’s always something to improve on
We don’t give up when the going gets tough! We move with the changes of social media etc.… So many people just give up on Instagram way too fast but they simply just don’t know how to use it properly
Do not dwell on negative aspects and things you cannot control- fix what you can and stay consistent and keep moving forward. Learn from others and take advice because other people may have insights and different perspectives.
Having a persona that is broadly appealing/marketable to many men (rather than a narrow niche), and that persona also feeling real (ie. someone men can see themselves being with or encountering in their day to day life) is also quite important.
If it's not working, keep trying new things to find what works for you.
If you're having a low $ day, don't cry about it, hustle harder there's always something you can do
Recognize what burnout looks like and give yourself permission to take time out to care for yourself first
Use your time wisely/working smarter, not harder (e.g. using 30 secs of footage to make 10+ unique reels).
For me personally, I believe how you think is what will set you up for success. I see a lot of people struggling to do well financially making excuses, wasting time on low value activities, worrying about things outside of their control and frankly giving up on certain avenues too quickly when there is set back or failure of some sort.
Classic example: I tried Instagram/Tiktok but my account got flagged/banned/their platform plays favorites/ so it's not for me -or another one, I could never promote there/insert many viable platforms, as I don't want to show my face or insert what ever other reason/excuse there is.
See the truth is, to have the results of the top 5% you must start doing what 95% are not willing to do. The argument that it's about luck, looks or body shape I am sorry doesn't stack up as there is ALWAYS an example of someone similar to you physically who is smashing it out of the park.
The other one I see here a LOT is "oh babe just keep going and trying it can take 6-12months-2yrs+ (insert opinion)" - I am sorry but if you keep doing the same thing expecting a different result that is the definition of insanity. It does not have to take 12 months. Does everyone get quick success, no - can it take 12 months or more - yes, but IT WILL NEVER HAPPEN if you do not keep making changes and refinements, testing every miniscule variation you can until you work out what works for you. Just telling people it's a matter of time is the SHITTIEST advice I have ever read.
Point of this post. You might want to rethink how you think and behave if you are not getting the results you want. Those doing 10X better are not there as they are 10X more attractive. They are perhaps working harder and smarter with more tenacity and resilience than you.
Edit: if you are upset or triggered by this post, then what I am saying probably even more so applies to you.