WSIB and physiotherapy


Just wondering if anyone has any experience with wsib and being reimbursed for physiotherapy?

Long story short, I broke my ankle at work back in August. Once I was referred for physiotherapy by my orthopedic surgeon, I arranged to start getting physio treatment shortly after. The clinic I went to that was recommended by my doctor did not do direct billing and said I could get reimbursed. They were aware it was an active wsib claim. I figured it was all fine, now, 3 weeks in and 5 appointments later, I found out that wsib only pays $30 per appointment and my clinic charges $70. So basically I'm out like $200 and it would be more if I kept going obviously.

I just feel like I got screwed over. I've never been on wsib before so I didn't know they only cover $30 per appointment. I didn't inform wsib that I was going to physio right away but I didn't think I needed too. I figured they knew I would need physio at some point and even remember my case manager mentioning it weeks prior. And, I got my physiotherapist to fill out and fax wsib my functional abilities form on my first appointment so they were well aware I was going there and what it was costing. Nobody called me to let me know or anything. I had to call them otherwise I'd be out like $500 in the next few weeks.

Anyways, just wondering if anyone else has had any similar experiences with them or any insight to this situation.
