We need to legalize opium
For centuries, opium was openly used to treat life-threatening conditions like dysentery—no Narcan, no modern medicines, and yet no societal collapse. In fact, this access to a potent, natural remedy helped countless people survive severe illness and increased overall life expectancy. Now, despite all our medical advancements and overdose-reversal drugs, we’re witnessing unprecedented opioid-related deaths—directly tied to strict criminalization that drives opium (and stronger synthetic opioids) underground. Legalizing opium simply acknowledges a proven historical reality: societies prospered, lives were saved, and harm remained low when opium wasn’t demonized or forced into illicit channels. If we truly care about preventing overdoses, keeping patients safe, and preserving personal freedom, the straightforward answer is to stop criminalizing a natural medicine that has served humanity for millennia.
I find it ironic that people think if we were to legalize opium that addiction rates will soar and society will crumble. Yet that never happened in ancient Greece or ancient Rome or any other society that flourished while having legal opium markets.