Psychoeducational Assessment Question
About 2 months ago my doctor prescribed me medication for ADHD. The only testing that was done was a set of 2 assessments that I completed on my own, rating my feelings and issues on a scale.
I'm looking into the funding for a proper psychoeducational assessment through OSAP and need some clarity. What are the odds of receiving this grant? Has anyone here received it? How much did it cover? What happens if it comes back that I don't have ADHD?
I have a follow-up appointment with my doctor on Friday so I'm going to ask if she's confident enough to fill out the OSAP disability form for me, I've also reached out to the accessibility office at my school for some answers. I'm just really wanting answers asap because I've done so much research on it but there are so many unanswered questions!
Thanks in advance, also *any* additional information about ADHD/assessments/disability forms or whatever is much appreciated!