Catalina faster after NVRAM/SMC reset - but did it solve my dual monitor problem?

TDLR; I tried the old-school reset NVRAM / SMC procedure and it sped up Catalina noticeably! It might have also solved my dual-monitor-not-waking-up problem, but it's early days - we'll see.

EDIT (5 Days Later): Nope the problem is not fixed. Cinema Display failed to be recognised on resume.

The setup:

MacBook Pro 14,3 (Apple MacBook Pro 15-Inch "Core i7" 3.1 Touch/Mid-2017)LG UltraFine 5K‑displayApple Cinema Display LED (27-Inch)

Catalina 10.15.3 (Clean install)

Clamshell Mode

LG connected to MacBook via Thunderbolt 3.

Cinema Display connected via Apple Thunderbolt 3 (USB-C) to Thunderbolt 2 Adapter (through Cinema Display Thunderbolt 2 Port, not default cable).

The problem:

Cinema Display not resuming from sleep (long standing issue). Occurred approximately 1 out of 10 resumes. This has been happening for a *long* time prior to Catalina, I actually upgraded in the hope that this and a few other issues would be fixed.

The problem persists under Catalina:

Prior to the last Catalina update, the Cinema Display simply disappeared - that is, it appeared to be turned off. Unplugging and replugging the Thunderbolt 2 cable normally solved the issue - if not, then reboot.

After last Catalina update, the problem changed. The Cinema Display was still recognised by OSX, however it was black (you could still move the mouse onto the display). This was worse, because windows that were still open on the other display could not be interacted with - so cleanly shutting down was an issue (at least in my limited experience).

The solution:

I'd sporadically try and solve this issue every now and then - I've tried pretty much everything over time (to the point where Google starts offering me captures to solve). However I didn't try the magic NVRAM/PRAM/SMC reset on my current notebook. I started with the NVRAM reset followed by the SMC procedure.

So far I haven't seen the issue reoccur yet (at least with the old frequency) and Catalina is noticeably faster after the reset.