Looking for a concept, and Google is giving me Christian search results. Any suggestions?
Hi, not sure if this is the right place to go for this sort of thing but it's the best I've come up with.
I've been interested in paganism for probably 5 or 6 years, and I've (VERY lightly) dabbled in certain practices here and there. I've read about Greek, Norse, and Celtic pantheons, but never super in depth. I do have a general idea of who the major gods are, but not much beyond that. The reason I haven't is because of mental health issues I won't go super into, but essentially (trigger warning) when I start to worship gods in a theistic way, or think too deeply for long enough about doing so, I very easily spiral into psychosis and with all due respect that is not something I want to experience.
So far, though, I've had success with one thing. I've been taking (mostly Greek, as I'm most familiar with it [thank you Percy Jackson]) mythology and thinking about the Gods as metaphors for the human experience. This is not to say literal belief is worse, it's just not something I can do safely, and I do really enjoy the ritualistic and worship parts of religion.
Here's my question: is there a term for this? I've tried looking up "self worship" and "worshiping metaphors of gods", but all that comes up is Christian websites. When I add the term "pagan", theistic paganism comes up. I'm not sure what I can search to look into this.
Thank you!