Dealing with family jealousy while overseas

I (24M) been born and raised in the US my whole life. I got a great job (Software Engineer at a Fortune 500 company, Top 25) straight out of college alhumduillah and currently in talks to get myself engaged with someone in KPK. I noticed when I went back to Pakistan that everybody in the family was giving me elevated status. Like I got invited to some "haram" gatherings from my elders, mainly because I don't judge people and they trust me to keep this private. And my status with my job in the US adds to the treatment.

However, I noticed a lot of my cousins around my age whom are very social were jealous of me and were gossiping negativity behind me. I had a couple of female cousins unfollow me out of the blue so I know the gossip is serious. I even had some very successful cousins (like borderline millionaire status) tell me to be ready for all the shit talk your family will do behind your back because they are miserable in Pakistan :(

Like I had a cousin that I visited in Istanbul. I shared my secrets to him and he brazenly exposed it to my uncles. At least my uncles scolded him for being classless like one of my uncles said to my mom he wanted to beat him up for what he said about me.

But the fact Pakistan life is so bad that I'm getting stray bullets sent to me is sad to say. I want the best for everybody in my family, but I'm not comfortable wishing that on those who insult me. And it hurts when it's my family and I'm halfway around the world to do something about it