Good Game vs Fun Game - Mental Exhaustion

I stopped playing probably after the first 2 weeks after getting to maps and dealing with the 1 life concept, which I very much dislike as it kills any fun to be had with friends.

But with every post I see daily doom scrolling reddit, it is starting to become very clear that they are trying to make a "good" game rather than a "fun" game.

I feel like every design decision make 100% sense in a vacuum of what is "good" design. However, so much of the challenge/resistance, that is great in that vacuum, layered upon each other start sapping more and more fun out of the game.

This is a game man of us like to grind for hours, but for many (not all) normal people playing the game, after a few maps, you are simply fatigued.

The layers of mental strain from things like 1 death losing the map, having to stop a make sure you get loot before you die, being scared of 1 shot or on death kills, moving overly slow through map, having to backtrack huge maps to find 1 rare, having to return to town for flask refills, always watching whispers for trade because we are so low on currency, etc, etc, etc.

It simply gets EXHAUSTING.

After 3-4 maps I simply wanna go zombie out and watch TV instead because I am so tense playing the game.

Now, don't get me wrong, there are A LOT of the changes that I think are great changes, but I think it is just simply TOO MANY that go against the main drive of why players play AARPGs. The vast majority of us want to zoom around maps blasting down mobs and getting sick loot. I dont think it needs to be as faceroll as POE1 was, but there has to be SOME give somewhere.

I am not saying the game is HARD, I am saying the game is MENTALLY EXHAUSTING. Having to be dialed in at 100% the whole time drains you.

-- Signed, an average aarpg player whose opinion probably doesn't matter.

EDIT: Please keep in mind this is posted and labeled as FEEDBACK. I simply expressed my feelings on it without any attacks of any sort. This is EA, essentially a testing phase. It is important to express the issues that we as community find or don't find with the current iteration.