Anyone else keep losing only one TSA lock after checking a Pelican Air 1535 at the airport?

I try to check or gate check my carryon size 1535 as often as I can.

It seems like everytime I pick up my 1535 at the baggage claim (or maybe oversized claim or the baggage office) it's missing one TSA lock.

According to the TSA blog, what could be happening is the locks are getting caught between conveyers in the baggage system.

I think the length of the shank of the lock has something to do with it.

I've found the aircraft cable style Brinks TSA locks go missing. Longer shank TSA locks go missing, too. Haven't lost a shorter shank Master 4680DBLK TSA lock yet, though. Not sure if it's just dumb luck or if the smaller shank theory is true.

I'm considering installing at least one TSA latch to prevent having to use padlocks which keep breaking off. They're pricey though.

Am I the only one having issues losing locks?